Beauty of a Woman

Beauty thrives on diversity and is in the eye of the beholder – a universal ideal of beauty has long since ceased to exist. And yet we still have the ‘women of one’s dreams’, who with their personality and beauty have become icons of our time. Preiss Fine Arts will be presenting numerous works of famous photographers of our time at the ‘Beauty of a Woman’ exhibition. Photographers who concentrate on presenting and interpreting feminine beauty in a manner that is both varied and charged with tension. Instead of being limited to superficial stereotypes, the character of the women portrayed is placed at the centre and in different artistic styles sensitively brought to the fore by the interpretations. The result is a combination of charismatic portraits and intimate studies of the female body, which are by no means devoted only to clichés. Multi-faceted studies of women, which transfix the viewer with self-confidence, personality and strength, will be shown.

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