Nigel Parry
Leonardo DiCaprio spilling a glass of fine whiskey directly at the viewer or Bill Clinton tilting his head with a look of presidential gravity – Nigel Parry’s portraits of celebrities and influential figures always show more than their image. A regular at high-profile magazines, such as The New York Times Magazine or Vanity Fair, Parry manages the impossible by making star shootings appear candid. Recently, Parry has ventured into landscape photography. Bordering on the impressionistic, his tranquil meditations on nature are as captivating as his portraits.
Showing 1–16 of 74 results
Nigel Parry
River Sun
Nigel Parry
Santee, Grass
Nigel Parry
Angelina Jolie
Nigel Parry
Barack Obama
Nigel Parry
Billy Crystal, The Berkley Square Hotel, London
Nigel Parry
Bruce Willis
Nigel Parry
Gary Oldman, Soho, London
Nigel Parry
Iggy Pop
Nigel Parry
Jenny Saville, Jenny’s Studio, London
Nigel Parry
Nigel Parry
Nigel Parry
Bison Yellowstone
Nigel Parry
Nigel Parry
Grey Mountains
Nigel Parry
Nigel Parry
Ice Storm