Guido Argentini
Dramatic poses, tender touches, and longing glances populate Guido Argentini’s photographic landscape. The Italian star photographer, celebrated in all genres, has a particular gift for the female nude. Juxtaposing and contextualizing the female body through cityscapes and the natural environment, Argentini playfully compares color, forms, and moods. His diptychs and singles are suffused with a sense of longing and memory. From beauties in pompous buildings to bondage – the self-taught artist explores every dimension of sensuality. Eternalizing the female form in gold and silver, Argentini elevates his subjects to goddesses and mythical creatures of age-old tales.
Showing 81–96 of 121 results
Guido Argentini
Voyeur II, Los Angeles, 2000
Guido Argentini
Guido Argentini
Guido Argentini
Diptych: Sleepless Nights
Guido Argentini
Diptych: The things we don’t say
Guido Argentini
Guido Argentini
Love simply is
Guido Argentini
Margherita on the Stairs
Guido Argentini
Marguerita on stairs II
Guido Argentini
Candice thinking about tomorrow
Guido Argentini
Sydney’s Yellow Eyes
Guido Argentini
Guido Argentini
Alina in Death Valley
Guido Argentini
Nude and Nature I
Guido Argentini
Thea bending on a stone
Guido Argentini
After so many lives